Past Events

23November 2021 Andrés Felipe Quintero

Different approaches to Shiny App development
Andrés Felipe Quintero

I am a Software Engineer currently focused on R and Shiny. I have a background in web and server development and I will talk about different approaches (from a developer point of view) of developing the server logic behind Shiny applications.

23November 2021 Emil Hvitfeldt

Becoming an RStudio Super User
Emil Hvitfeldt

Emil Hvitfeldt will take you around the myriad of customization and automation available to all RStudio users. This talk will visual customization to custom keybindings to make your workflow smooth and efficient so you can spend all your time focusing on R!

7May 2021 Elizabeth Brown

Creating a Shiny Dashboard as a Tool for Learning Git
Elizabeth Brown

I am a professional placement student at Mango Solutions with a key interest in Data Science and Shiny app development. I enjoy presenting and delivering workshops, and have supported the delivery of a workshop at the LondonR conference.


7May 2021 Pere Millán-Martínez

Introducing {brinton} a gEDA tool
Pere Millán-Martínez

Pere Millán-Martínez works as a graphical data analyst in the Catalan Traffic Service. He is conducting a doctoral research on statistical graphics characterization and his main interest is to finish it once and for all.


11January 2021 Andrew Ba Tran

The Opioid Files (rstudio::global(2021) presentation)
Andrew Ba Tran

Tran is a data reporter on the rapid-response investigative team at The Washington Post, and has analyzed how COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted certain communities, the spread of opioids across the country, and the rise of right-wing violence. He shared in winning the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting in 2018.

04November 2020 Tonio Liebrand

{sivis} - Turning browser clicks into reproducible scraping code
Tonio Liebrand

Tonio is a team lead for data analytics and RPA. Prior to that he implemented analytics use cases as a data scientist.
During his free time he likes to work on the interface of RStudio and web browsers (with {shiny} and {sivis}).

02September 2020 Ruben Guerrero Ramirez

A/B testing in R
Rubén Guerrero Ramírez

Rubén is a Data Scientist with broad knowledge of applied statistics, machine learning techniques and programming skills such as Python, R, SQL and SPSS. He is experienced in mentoring others and teaching concepts of Machine Learning, programming and statistics. He also had the opportunity to consult companies about their Data Analysis strategy.

02September 2020 Alexis Bocuze

Segmentation shiny app
Alexis Bocuze

Alexis Bocuze is a music lover and a data sorcerer's apprentice. Currently, he is working as a data analyst at Glovo. This is where he discovered the BarcelonaR user group. During the meetup, he will present a segmentation shiny app that he built for a supply chain consulting firm. Get ready for some clustering, machine learning, and nice visualization!

02September 2020 Daniel Franke

Introducing a data validation infrastructure for R: the {validate} package
Daniel Franke

Daniel is a sociologist, holding a bachelor degree at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf (Germany) and graduated with a master's degree from the Universitat de Barcelona. He is passionate about technologies and all data related things at the intersection of tech and society. With a background in survey methodology, he started using R on his own initiative. Now he has a data analyst role at Lidl in Spain. He is going to introduce the {validate} package. {validate} offers a data validation infrastructure for R. In survey methodology it is a useful tool to check your data quality before starting further analysis. You can apply your expert knowledge in form of predefined validation rules and confront the data with them. He is going to use a real dataset from a sociological survey to check out {validate}'s key-functionalities to get a feeling for this convenient domain specific language.

06February 2020 Pol Blasco

Informing business decisions with machine learning: a case study
Pol Blasco

Pol Blasco is a Data Scientist at Marfeel, The Publisher Platform. He has experience designing algorithms and conducting numerical analysis in various fields: from neuroscience to election polls to wireless communication and has worked on a wide range of projects such as dynamic pricing algorithms, push notifications, recommended content systems and user engagement.

03December 2019 Colin Fay

Building Production Grade Shiny Apps with {golem}
Colin Fay

Colin works at ThinkR, a french agency focused on everything R-related. During the day, he helps companies to take full advantage of the power of R, by providing training (from beginner to expert), tools (packages, shiny apps...) and infrastructure. His main areas of expertise are data & software engineering, web applications, and R in production. During the night, Colin is also an hyperactive open source developer and an open data advocate. You can find a lot of his work on his GitHub account. He is also active in the Data Science community in France, especially in his home town Rennes, where he founded the data-blogging website, co-founded the Breizh Data Club association, and organises the Breizh Data Club Meetups.


26September 2019 Christopher Collins

Moving Projects into Production
Chris Collins

Chris is a Data Scientist working at Glovo, a global food delivery startup with headquarters in Barcelona. Whilst currently working on models for customer retention, Chris is primarily interested in the process of creating reliable 'data products' which can be used in high-impact business tasks.


26September 2019 Ruben Guerrero Ramirez

Understanding behavioural data with PCA in R
Rubén Guerrero Ramírez

Rubén is a Data Scientist with broad knowledge of applied statistics, machine learning techniques and programming skills such as Python, R, SQL and SPSS. He is experienced in mentoring others and teaching concepts of Machine Learning, programming and statistics. He also had the opportunity to consult companies about their Data Analysis strategy.


25April 2019 speaker name

Collecting clean and usable data for better reliability modelling
Carles Campos

Carles is a Data Scientist and founder of RealiableDynamics, a computer software company that develops basic applications with modern technologies specialising in reliability engineering and predictive maintenance.

25April 2019 Hannah Frick

Good Practice for R Packages
Hannah Frick

In this presentation, Hannah explains how to use the {goodpractice} package which offers advice on what to avoid when building an R package and suggestions on code formatting, structure and many other great features.


23November 2021 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to Machine Learning (Updated)
Nicolas Attalides

This workshop covers the basic tasks for buidling a Machine Learning model in R using {tidymodels}. We learn how to define the problem, design a formula and select an algorithm as well as how to measure the model's performance.


22June 2021 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to NLP with R (Updated)
Nicolas Attalides

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field within linguistics and artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand and interact with human language. During this workshop we will use {tidytext} to explore some of the common topics within NLP such as tokenization, how to remove common words known as stop words and carry out sentiment analysis.


7May 2021 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to Building Packages in R
Nicolas Attalides

This workshop covers the basic tasks for buidling an R package using {devtools}. We learn how to construct the package structure and write, document and test an R function for the package.

04November 2020 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to RStudio and Shiny servers (Updated)
Nicolas Attalides

During this workshop we use Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in order to learn how to setup a GCP Virtual Machine instance. We then use this VM and we learn the basic step-by-step process to setup an RStudio server and a Shiny server. Then we learn how to host and share a simple Shiny app online.


02September 2020 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to GitHub with R
Nicolas Attalides

This workshop follows a step-by-step approach to install Git, setup a GitHub account and link this with your RStudio. We also learn how to create a public repository on our GitHub account and work within an R project as well as the basic commands and processes to version control our code.


11June 2020 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to Data Manipulation (Updated)
Nicolas Attalides

This workshop covers the basics for doing data manulipulation in R. You will learn to use the “verbs” with {dplyr} then improve your code workflow with {magrittr} and some imple string manipulations using {stringr}.


25April 2019 Nicolas Attalides

Introduction to Shiny (Updated)
Nicolas Attalides

This workshop covers the basics for building a Shiny app such as create a user interface and server scripts, specify what the inputs and outputs will be as well as explore widgets and reactivity and finally how to share your app.

